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In our increasingly interconnected world, understanding the nuances of different cultures is paramount. Cultural dimensions offer a framework for comprehending the values, norms, and behaviors that shape societies across the globe. One such dimension that plays a pivotal role in cultural dynamics is the contrast between “ascription” and “meritocracy.”

This dimension delves into how societies determine social roles, status, and opportunities. Are individuals assigned positions based on factors such as age, family background, or social connections? Or is success and recognition primarily earned through individual effort, competence, and achievements? These are the fundamental questions that ascription-based and merit-based cultural systems answer.

In this blog post, we will explore the intriguing interplay between these two cultural approaches. From education to career advancement, from sports to political leadership, we will examine real-world examples that highlight the stark differences between cultures that embrace ascription and those that champion meritocracy. Join us on this journey as we unravel the complexities of this cultural dimension, shedding light on the values and principles that shape societies around the world.

Ascription vs. Meritocracy: Exploring the difference

Ascription-Based Cultures:

Imagine a society where your social position, roles, and opportunities are primarily determined by factors like age, family background, social connections, and even gender. This is the essence of ascription-based cultures. In such societies, who you are and where you come from often matter more than your individual achievements or qualifications.

In ascription-based cultures, there’s a deep respect for tradition, hierarchy, and the status quo. Social roles are often assigned at birth, and individuals are expected to conform to these roles without challenging the established order. Stability and continuity are highly valued, and change is often viewed with skepticism.

For example, in an ascription-based society, leadership positions in a family business may automatically pass to the eldest child, regardless of their qualifications, while younger siblings might have limited opportunities for advancement.

Merit-Based Cultures:

Now, let’s contrast this with a merit-based culture, where personal accomplishments, skills, and qualifications hold more weight than one’s ascribed characteristics. In merit-based societies, individuals have the opportunity to rise through the ranks based on their talents, hard work, and achievements.

Meritocracy places a premium on individual effort, competence, and the pursuit of excellence. Success is often seen as a reward for one’s abilities and dedication, rather than something inherited or predetermined.

For instance, in a merit-based workplace, promotions and leadership roles are typically awarded to employees who have demonstrated exceptional performance and leadership skills, regardless of their family background or other ascribed characteristics.

Bridging the gap:

It’s important to note that these cultural dimensions exist on a continuum, and many societies exhibit a blend of both ascriptive and meritocratic elements. Moreover, the extent to which a culture leans towards one dimension or the other can evolve over time in response to social, economic, and global influences.

Understanding these dimensions is not about passing judgment on which approach is superior. Instead, it’s about recognizing that different cultures have diverse ways of organizing society and rewarding individuals. This awareness helps us navigate the complexities of an interconnected world, fostering cultural intelligence, empathy, and the ability to appreciate and respect the values and principles that shape societies worldwide.

Some examples


Ascription-Based: In some countries, students are placed in educational tracks based on their family’s social status or connections. A student’s academic abilities may not be the primary determinant of their educational path.

Merit-Based: In many Western countries, students are placed in educational programs based on their academic performance and standardized test scores. Meritocracy is a key principle in these systems.

Job Promotion:

Ascription-Based: In a company with strong ascription-based values, promotions may be based on seniority, family connections, or other non-performance factors. Long-time employees or family members of executives might receive preferential treatment.

Merit-Based: In merit-based organizations, employees are promoted based on their skills, performance, and contributions to the company. Promotions are typically earned through a transparent evaluation process.

Sports Teams:

Ascription-Based: In some sports clubs, players may be selected for teams based on their family’s history with the club or their social connections, rather than their talent or skills.

Merit-Based: In professional sports leagues around the world, athletes are selected for teams based on their demonstrated abilities, performance in trials, and potential to contribute to the team’s success.

Political Leadership:

Ascription-Based: In certain countries or political systems, political leadership positions may be inherited or passed down within a specific family or social group, irrespective of an individual’s qualifications or merit.

Merit-Based: In democratic societies, political leaders are typically elected by the public based on their platforms, qualifications, and their ability to garner support through meritocratic means.

Social Status:

Ascription-Based: In some traditional societies, a person’s social status and role within the community may be predetermined by their birth, caste, or family background.

Merit-Based: In more progressive and egalitarian cultures, social status is often achieved through personal accomplishments, contributions to society, and individual efforts.

Arts and Entertainment:

Ascription-Based: In some industries, individuals may gain entry into the arts or entertainment field through family connections or social status, rather than their talent or artistic merit.

Merit-Based: In merit-based systems, artists, actors, and performers rise to prominence based on their artistic skills, talent, and the recognition they receive from their audiences and peers.

These examples illustrate the fundamental distinction between ascription-based and merit-based systems, where the former relies on inherited or non-performance factors, and the latter prioritizes individual achievement, competence, and demonstrated abilities.

To some, it may feel like discrimination ...

Yes, ascription-based cultural systems can sometimes feel like discrimination, especially when individuals are assigned social roles, opportunities, or treatment based solely on characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, or family background. This can be quite a culture shock especially for those with a merit-based cultural background. Here are a few reasons why ascription can be perceived as discriminatory:

  1. Lack of Individual Recognition: In ascription-based cultures, individuals may not be evaluated or recognized for their unique skills, abilities, or merits. Instead, they are often judged based on predetermined categories, which can be limiting and frustrating for those who believe they have more to offer.

  2. Inequality and Unfairness: Ascription can lead to inequalities and unfair treatment when individuals who possess the necessary qualifications or talents are denied opportunities or recognition due to factors beyond their control. This can be seen as a form of discrimination.

  3. Stereotyping: Ascription can perpetuate stereotypes and assumptions about individuals based on their ascribed characteristics. For example, assuming that someone from a certain family background lacks certain abilities or potential can be a form of discrimination.

  4. Stifling Individual Potential: Ascription-based systems may discourage people from pursuing their passions or developing their talents if they believe their social roles are predetermined. This can limit personal growth and potential.

  5. Resistance to Change: Ascription can create resistance to change and social progress. When individuals are placed in roles based on tradition or hierarchy, it can be challenging to challenge the status quo or advocate for equality.

It’s important to note that perceptions of discrimination in ascription-based cultures may vary widely among individuals and may depend on the specific context and the extent to which traditional values and ascription practices are still prevalent in a given society. Some individuals may embrace ascription as a source of stability and cultural identity, while others may find it restrictive and discriminatory.


In conclusion, the cultural dimension of ascription vs. meritocracy offers us a fascinating lens through which to view the diverse tapestry of human societies. As we’ve explored the characteristics and examples of both approaches, it becomes evident that the way a culture determines social roles, status, and opportunities has profound implications for its members.

Ascription-based cultures, rooted in tradition and social hierarchy, often prioritize stability and continuity. However, they may inadvertently limit social mobility and hinder innovation. In contrast, merit-based cultures, with their emphasis on individual competence and achievement, tend to promote growth, fairness, and adaptability.

It’s crucial to recognize that these cultural dimensions are not absolutes; they exist on a continuum, and many societies exhibit a blend of both ascriptive and meritocratic elements. It is helpful to imagine them as on a sliding scale. Moreover, cultural values and practices can evolve over time as societies respond to changing circumstances and global influences.

Understanding the ascription vs. meritocracy dimension is not about passing judgment on which approach is superior. Instead, it is about fostering cultural intelligence, empathy, and the ability to navigate the complexities of an interconnected world. It reminds us that no single cultural model is universally right or wrong, and that appreciating diversity and different perspectives is essential for our global society to thrive.

As we conclude our exploration of this cultural dimension, we encourage you to continue your journey of cultural understanding. Embrace the richness of cultural diversity, engage in cross-cultural dialogues, and be open to learning from the values and practices of others. By doing so, we can collectively build a more inclusive, equitable, and harmonious world where the strengths of both ascription and meritocracy can coexist and contribute to our shared global progress. Stay tuned for more!

If you find yourself navigating the intricate paths of culture, whether as an expat or in resolving cultural conflicts, remember that you don’t have to journey alone. I’m here to help. As a professional coach well-versed in the nuances of culture, I can guide you towards a deeper understanding and smoother integration. Your professional and cultural voyage can be an enriching experience, and I’m here to ensure that every step leads to growth and success. Reach out to me for personalized cultural coaching and let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Your world, your culture, your success – we’ll navigate it together.